Do I have to declare old, "spent" convictions, police cautions, warnings, reprimands etc?
I have already declared fitness to practise issues in the past to my healthcare regulator and/or medical/dental school/university. Do I have to declare them again?
I wish to make a Fitness to Practice Declaration
Will applicants be able to save each section of the application form and come back to it later?
Will applicants receive random’ offers?
Are applicants able to stay in the upgrading process for more than one offer?
What flexibility will be offered to those applicants who are sick or too ill to attend?
Are applicants able to sit their interview again if an illness/sickness affects their performance? What happens to those applicants who miss an interview slot due to lateness?
Am I required to bring any documents to interview with me?
I have a query about references/referees. Where can I find information about this?
Do my referees need to be my most recent three supervisors?
Who can I nominate as a referee? Does the referee have to be a consultant?
If I decline an offer will I be disadvantaged in future rounds?
How can I be sure my offer decision has been recorded?
I did not make a decision on my offer in time and it has expired but I still want to be considered, what can I do?