What is time Out of Programme (OOP)?
OOP Application form and Guidance
How will I know if my OOP application has been approved?
Will I need to undergo an ARCP whilst on OOP? (ARCP)
What happens if I want to take a longer period of OOP than the Gold Guide stipulates?
I wish to return to training from my OOP earlier than planned, who should I discuss this with?
I would like to extend my period of agreed OOP, how can I do this?
I am planning to take time out of training but have been given an unsatisfactory outcome at my last ARCP, can I still apply for an OOP?
Can I take time out of training in my first year?
I would like to go OOP in my final year of training, is this possible?
I want to have a break from training for personal reasons, what do I need to do?
Will my OOP count towards my CCT or CESR(CP)/CEGPR(CP)?
Who is my Responsible Officer while I am Out of Programme?
Do I need to retain my licence to practice whilst on OOP if I am not carrying out any clinical duties?
Will I retain my NTN whilst on OOP?
I hold a Tier 2 Visa sponsored by NHS England, can I take time out of programme?
Who will pay my salary whilst I am on OOP?
Can I apply to have my OOP count towards my training retrospectively?
I am currently experiencing a period of ill health, can I apply for a career break?
I would like my OOP to count towards my training, how do I know if the post is in a GMC approved training location?