What if my application for time Out of Programme is refused?
Can I take OOP from my core training programme?
What is Out of Programme Pause and how does it differ from other forms of out of training?
Who can apply for Out of Programme Pause?
What is the process for applying for, and returning to OOPP?
How much notice am I required to give for OOPP?
Who can I speak to about how this will affect my pay, pension and employment rights on OOPP?
Will my pension be affected by taking time out of training (OOPP)?
Who will be my employer whilst Out Of Programme Pause?
Can I apply for study leave funding whilst on OOP-P?
Who will my Responsible Officer be whilst Out Of Programme Pause?
What process will I need to go through to ensure my revalidation is up to date whilst OOPP?
What roles can I undertake (OOPP)?
Does my OOPP post need prior training or educational approval from NHSE or GMC?
What if the OOPP post comes to an end earlier than expected?
What if I want to change role/post within my period of OOPP?
Do I need to have a confirmed offer of a post before applying for OOPP?
Do I have to return to training from OOPP?
What happens should I not return to my training programme from OOPP?
What is the process for returning to training from OOPP?