LTFT Application forms
Am I eligible to train LTFT?
When can I apply for LTFT? What is the notice period?
What evidence do I need to provide to train LTFT?
How long can I train LTFT for?
Which region do I apply to if I wish to train LTFT?
Can my request to work LTFT be declined?
How soon can I start to train LTFT?
How will the trust be notified I wish to train LTFT?
I have just been offered a post in a training programme at national recruitment, can I train LTFT?
I am a London trainee but I have been allocated to an East of England Trust. Do I need to fill in any additional paperwork if I am working in a trust within East of England?
How many sessions can I work whilst training LTFT?
Can I increase or decrease the number of sessions I am working whilst training LTFT?
How do I notify Health Education London and the South East of changes to my working pattern?
I am dual-accrediting, which specialty should I select when completing the application form?
How long will my request take to process?
What should I do if I am going on, or returning from maternity or parental leave?
Is any of my maternity leave accredited for training?
I currently work full time and I am having a difficult pregnancy. Can I become a LTFT trainee now?