What are Removal or Rotational Travel Expenses ?
How much can I claim for removal or rotational travel expenses if I am a trainee in HEE London and KSS?
What type of expenses can be determined via an eligibility to claim form that falls under the relocation process?
Who are the relocation contacts at my employing trust?
How do I apply for reimbursement of removal or rotational travel expenses?
What do I need to submit with my 'Approval of Eligibility to Claim Form'?
How do I claim for excess travel?
I wish to apply to for eligibility for relocation expenses. Where do I submit my application?
I am undertaking a placement in another region - how do I claim Relocation expenses?
What is the 'regional footprint' for London training programmes?
I am Out of Programme on an OOP, am I eligible to apply for relocation and excess travel expenses?