I do not agree with the decision of the ARCP panel. Can I appeal it?
How do I request a review of my ARCP outcome?
What is an ARCP Review?
How long will an ARCP Review take?
The Review Panel upheld its original decision. Can I appeal it?
How do I request an appeal?
How long will I have to wait for an ARCP appeal hearing?
Can my appeal be postponed?
Can I bring a representative to my ARCP appeal?
What is the role of the Specialty Faculty Representative at an appeal panel?
What is the role of the Chair of the Panel?
What evidence should I provide for my ARCP appeal?
What information will the panel and I be provided with?
What happens at an ARCP appeal panel?
When will I find out the outcome of my appeal?
What happens after my appeal?
What processes govern ARCP appeals in London and KSS?