How will I know which courses are mandatory, and therefore covered by the study budget?
How do I request approval for Study Leave for a course which is not on the Study Leave lists for my specialty?
Is there an upper limit to how much I can claim from the study budget?
Can I claim for travel expenses associated with attending a NHSE-approved study leave event?
Is there a limit that I can claim for overnight accommodation whilst on study leave in the United Kingdom?
I am concerned about the time delay between paying for the course I wish to attend and being reimbursed?
I am preparing for my curriculum mandated exam– will the study budget cover revision courses and the exam fee?
I am preparing for an exam and would like to attend multiple revision courses prior to the exam, will HEE fund multiple revision courses?
When will attending international courses and conferences be allowed?
Is there a limit on the number of international study leave events that I can attend?
How much can I claim towards international study leave events?
Is there a limit to how much I can claim towards accommodation and hotel costs for approved international events?
I wish to apply for my ALS – is this covered by the study leave allowance and study budget?
Can I use study leave funds to pay for my College membership fees?
Can I use study leave funds to pay for the costs to maintain my training portfolio?
Can I apply for study leave/budget even if the course does not relate to my current placement?
I want to apply for study leave and funding to attend a course at the start of my next rotation which will be based at a different NHS trust – how should I apply?
If I change specialty, how does this affect my access to study leave and study budget?
Can I claim against the study budget for “Tasters” e.g. commuting?
If I have an unresponsive Educational Supervisor, whom do I escalate to?